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Naomi Nyamudoka


Counsellor and Psychotherapist



Equine Facilitated Psychotherapay

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What is EFP?


Equine Facilitate Psychotherapy (EFP) involves being around horses in their natural setting whilst engaging in psychotherapy with a qualified psychotherapist. Much of the process involves observing the herd and interacting with them if they choose to. This can allow clients to come into their bodies and stay in the present moment which can sometimes be difficult, especially when there has been trauma in the past. This can allow for a different experience of processing trauma.


Horses have a way of being in the moment, they are not thinking of what is happening in the future or in the past, but are able to stay in the present moment. Being outdoors and being part of the herd can be a very powerful experience which can help shift things in a way that conventional talking only psychotherapy may not do alone. 


My horses are kept as naturally as possible and are never asked to do anything they are not happy with. For this reason we would not use any halters or lead ropes and it is the horses choice if they approach and wish to interact. The sessions might consist of observing the herd from outside the field and working towards walking amongst them. Consent is vital at all points, both for my clients and my horses, so it is a very collaborative process. I do not offer any ridden work and all we do will be on the ground with the importance placed on the relationship, both with myself and client and with the horses.



One to one sessions cost £85 for a 60 minute session and £115 for 90 minutes. I can also offer one off sessions that are longer and more intensive. I also can offer group work if this this something which you might be interested in. Please get in touch to discuss further.



I am a graduate member of The HERD Institute. I have been working with horses for 27 years, although there is always more that they teach me!



My herd consists of two Miniature Shetlands, one Cob and two Fell ponies. Each bringing a different personality into the work. 






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